Eyewear is pleased to publish a new translation of a great poem by Mandelstam, by Alistair Noon in Berlin. This is probably one of the first poems on the cinema. Vachel Lindsay, of course, had written on the subject.
Three benches. A projector.
The fever of sentimentality.
An heiress who's been trapped
in her evil rival's nets.
Hands off this love's true flight,
our heroine's done nothing wrong!
So pure it's almost platonic
is her love for a lieutenant of the fleet,
collaterally conceived by a grey count
and now wandering the desert wastes.
This, for the pretty countess, is the way
her picture-adventure leaves the ground.
She starts to wring her hands
like a gypsy gone insane.
The lovers split. The demonic sounds
now follow of a hounded piano.
Her trust's not hard to abuse.
She possesses sufficient bravery
to swoop on some crucial papers
of interest to an enemy HQ.
Along an avenue of chestnuts,
a black motor car lumbers.
The film reel rattles. A thump
of alarm thrills our hearts.
Sensibly dressed, with her sac Ć voyage,
she travels the roads and rails.
All she's scared of is the chase;
she's tormented by a dry mirage.
The ending's both bitter and trite.
Means aren't justified by ends!
He gets his father's inheritance,
and she gets sentenced to life.
Osip Mandelstam, 1913
Translated from the Russian by Alistair Noon
Three benches. A projector.
The fever of sentimentality.
An heiress who's been trapped
in her evil rival's nets.
Hands off this love's true flight,
our heroine's done nothing wrong!
So pure it's almost platonic
is her love for a lieutenant of the fleet,
collaterally conceived by a grey count
and now wandering the desert wastes.
This, for the pretty countess, is the way
her picture-adventure leaves the ground.
She starts to wring her hands
like a gypsy gone insane.
The lovers split. The demonic sounds
now follow of a hounded piano.
Her trust's not hard to abuse.
She possesses sufficient bravery
to swoop on some crucial papers
of interest to an enemy HQ.
Along an avenue of chestnuts,
a black motor car lumbers.
The film reel rattles. A thump
of alarm thrills our hearts.
Sensibly dressed, with her sac Ć voyage,
she travels the roads and rails.
All she's scared of is the chase;
she's tormented by a dry mirage.
The ending's both bitter and trite.
Means aren't justified by ends!
He gets his father's inheritance,
and she gets sentenced to life.
Osip Mandelstam, 1913
Translated from the Russian by Alistair Noon