British Summer (if not British Summer Time) ends tomorrow, as Autumn begins. According to the latest BBC news on radio 4, the week ahead will actually warm up to mid-20s Celsius - so, an Indian Summer, then. The last fortnight has been generally miserable, weatherwise - a wash-out of rainy days and unsunny skies. Meanwhile, the world has been gloomy economically, and otherwise. One small silver lining - there appears to have been no major air disaster in August - which, given the fact this is the busiest month for flying - is an achievement. Eyewear looks forward to the start of the new term. Sharp new pencils. Clean new Silvine Excercise books. Poetry readings. Launches. Crisper air. Pumpkins. Poppies on lapels. Christmas parties. And then a new year. It all starts tomorrow. Today, grab that BBQ and ball cap and have yourself a last fling of summer.
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