Meanwhile, China, Russia, and the USA begin to divide the world's remaining petroleum resources among them, in order to sustain technology and lifestyles which are dismayingly unsustainable.
The French wanted a non-unipolar world to offset the hegemony of the Americans; they may be getting what they ordered, and what once seemed a plausible alternative to the hard-to-construct utopias of the far-flung Left. But it doesn't seem to be the French calling the shots.
The rockets, by the way, being fired at civilians and infrastructure on both sides of the border of this current dispute, are manufactured and sold; who profits from this mayhem?
There will come a time, surely, when stock options are not an option, for those left in the ruined world of the 22nd century.
All these reflections verge on the unsayably trite. But if so trite, why are they still resisted by so many? It seems the women and men of most "democratic nations" prefer their giant screens to the smallest insights - and will not budge to alter the way we live and "do business" in a highly-competitive world - where competition so often masks an utterly degraded view of what the person and the community are meant for and could achieve, in a post-market economy.
Very interesting read
Like yours tyle
Keep typing
"...the women and men of most "democratic nations" prefer their giant screens to the smallest insights - and will not budge to alter the way we live and "do business" in a highly-competitive world."
Sounds like a pretty darn fair assessment, Todd.
Also sounds like a page torn out of many an entry of my own political tirades. Keep up your own hammering away at these points. After all, it seems like repetition and hammering away at conclusions is the only thingt the media and by extension the people (of whatever the heck the masses are, anyway) will listen to.