She has occasionally shown her video, installation and photography work.
Her poems were published in Reactions 5 and she won second prize in the Essex International Poetry Festival in 2005, which is where Eyewear was delighted to first spot her, and hear her edgy, imaginative poems. I am glad to feature her this Friday.
Quelques Mots de Conseil
You must, he says, be trés maigre.
You pad the midsection and insert
a sack of pigeon blood mixed with vinegar,
pour éviter la coagulation.
The costume you must embellish
with a certain quantity of sequins
to mark the place where l’épée
devait entrer et sortir le ventre.
It is preferable to request a sword
from any military man in attendance,
for then there will be no questions
regarding the quality of the blade.
poem by Lara Frankena