The film Lincoln , by Steven Spielberg , is without doubt one of the most solemn, grave, and lofty American films ever made - and will, in time, be seen, I think, as one of the greatest American movies, a true gift to its culture. To comprehend the value and intelligence of this film, and its moral heft, it needs to be compared to two films which in different ways shadow it - The Godfather , and Downfall . For, if, in The Godfather , we see the utter corruption of the human family, and power used for evil, and, if, in Downfall , we see an embattled wicked leader in the last days of his life conspiring to utterly destroy the world - in Lincoln we see, as perhaps never before so clearly in an historically accurate picture - what a good man, cloaked in immense power, can do, to achieve the highest ideals of human life - that is, equality and freedom for all. These are not just American ideals, but Greek ones from ancient times - and there is a good case for saying that L...