As part of National Poetry Day events, The Savile Club is hosting the following...
08 October 2010 - Reading 7pm - 8pm followed by Dinner
In association with the University of East Anglia (UEA) and in advance of Faber’s reissues of Ian Hamilton’s backlist next year, this is a literary event not to be missed.
Please join us for an evening of Poems by Ian Hamilton, read by some of his friends, including Alan Jenkins, Hugo Williams, and Dan Jacobson.
Ian Hamilton, poet, critic and editor, was the hugely influential founder of 'The Review', Poetry and Fiction Editor of the TLS, and then started 'The New Review'. He wrote highly respected biographies of Robert Lowell and J D Salinger, among others. His "Collected Poems", introduced by Alan Jenkins, was published by Faber in 2009.
Chair: Professor John Carey, Merton Professor of English Literature, Oxford University.
Tickets: £10 reception drink and talk PLUS £30 (optional) dinner with wine
To make a reservation, please Tel: 020 7629 5462 Fax: 020 7499 7087 or Email: Payment must be made at the time of booking.
Here is the venue.
Here is a map.
Here is a link to National Poetry Day events in London.