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Weird Scenes Inside The Bank Vault

Truly, these are historic, and strange days, indeed. Last night, Presisdent Bush appeared to speak to the "American people" - his microphone slightly muffled - and warned that the markets were no longer working correctly and needed to be fixed by massive government intervention; coming from a right-wing Republican, that's like Seamus Heaney asking Ron Silliman to edit his next poetry collection. Pretty unlikely, dude.

So, back in England, respected Churchmen have decided to take a page from The Cantos, and bee-in-bonnet Ezra, and start suggesting money trading is very dodgy - except, not really from Ezra's perspective at all, but rather, early Auden's. Marx has not been in such an ascendancy since the days of MacSpaunday.

Eyewear has long argued that a fusion of Marxism and Christianity (often known as Liberation Theology) was the best ethical position to adopt in a world of inequality, especially as it grounds Christ's teaching on a horizon of human need. Therefore, I am glad to see Rowan Williams wading in to these waters, at this time. However, established churches, who do use the capitalist system for their own purposes, should not cast the first stone, unless their vestments, as well as investments, are lily white.


Marion McCready saidā€¦
The problem with Liberation Theology is that dialectical materialism is necessarily secular, it's incompatible with any kind of theism.
EYEWEAR saidā€¦
Well, what I meant was, the best ethical system is one which brackets Christ's theistic claims [for the time being] and focuses on the plane of the secular, following the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount, without needing to debate about the transcendant implications on the horizon; to me, that would be a kind of Christian-Marxism, where each person could share equally. What Christ brings to Marx is a profound respect for Love as both theory and praxis.

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