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Who would have thought that when punk band Bad Religion first became known in 1980, thirty-three years later they would still have most of their original band members, and sixteen full-length albums? Much has happened in three decades, but it was the reunion between Greg Graffin and Brett Gurewitz in 2002 that re-signed them with Epitaph; their first record label and returned Bad Religion to their melodic 80ā€™s and 90ā€™s punk rock sound.   

A few months ago, Bad Religion released their sixteenth album; True North. The album contains a vast range of punk melodic songs and eloquent lyrics that truly celebrate the history of Bad Religion. Through the song ā€œThe Past is Deadā€ Greg Graffin buries his differences with Gurewitz, but also looks into a better future and sings; ā€˜letā€™s focus on tomorrow instead.ā€™

For loyal fans the album is a reminder of the late 80ā€™s and early 90ā€™s through tracks such as, ā€œFuck You,ā€ and ā€œHello Cruel World,ā€ which are mementos of 1988ā€™s Suffer and 1990ā€™s Against the Grain among other albums. The return to shorter songs, faster beats and Gurewitzā€™s melodic guitar solos, Bad Religion seem to have forgotten their previous album The Dissent of Man, which explored a more mainstream pop-punk side of the band.

One disappointment is ā€œDharma and the Bomb,ā€ sung by Gurewitz. This might be blamed on the unfamiliarity of his voice, but mostly it is the lack of creativity in lyrics. Although dominated by the vocalistā€™s known guitar solos, Gurewitzā€™s voice lacks the passion and strength of Graffin whose voice is the trademark of Bad Religion. The lyrics contain mostly a tiring repetition of ā€œDharma and the Bombā€ that sours the good after taste of academically and well-articulated lyrics usually sung by Graffin, thus feeling like an album-filler.

It is, however good to hear that they have yet to give up the fight towards social and political justice. In ā€œRobin Hood in Reverseā€ the social commentary and questioning of the nature of God is portrayed in ā€˜Hereā€™s the church; thereā€™s the steeple/ Open the door, corporations are people,ā€™ and continued in a catchy repetition of ā€˜Letā€™s say we try to get this right/ Said the plutocrat to Jesus Christ.ā€™ As always, Gurewitz and Graffinā€™s combination of commentary lyrics and strong voice manage to create yet another punk rock masterpiece. Another song that is an absolute must-hear is ā€œDept. Of False Hopeā€ where they praise the will for survival amongst the working class, while criticising government action. The fast drum beats by Brooks Wackerman and Graffinā€™s fast sung words effectively create a charismatic sound; which truly shows the colors of the band.

If the rumours are true, after what Graffin said during a tour in 2012, that the band will ā€˜join the navy, do honest work,ā€™ I believe many will see True North in the short list of their Bad Religion discography. Their ability to maintain a sound that has been loved, and will be loved for many more decades, has given Greg Graffin and Bad Religion a particular punk rock image that many, me included, will dearly miss. True North will therefore always be seen as a celebration of their achievements, and perhaps a perfect ending to a long and successful career.


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