Readers of Eyewear will know that from time to time I like to sum up my current tastes and pop culture addictions. As we move into the mid-point of 2012, June, I'd like to begin taking stock of this particularly fecund year for music. In a year that's seen LPs from Crybaby, Garbage, Springsteen, Cohen, Madonna, Jack White , and Lana Del Ray , my favourite album of the year so far is now Prisoner by The Jezabels , an award-winning Australian group, whose debut album this is. This is the LP I return to again and again and can listen to intently or at one remove. It has comforted me when I was down or lonely and it has also exulted me. The album is a subtle masterwork of shimmering consistency of tone. It is all of a flowing New Wave piece. A pop rock album, the songs, all with female vocals by Hayley Mary , are a mix of dream pop and drum-driven Joshua Tree era rock. The closest album to this may be New Gold Dream , in terms of the way the unifying mood is ecstati...
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