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Bernstein's Bailout

Charles Bernstein's recent intervention in the poetry markets makes sound poetic sense for uncertain poetic times.

Anyone wanting to further comprehend the current situation should then turn to the infamous 1941 essay on popular music, and replace "music" with "poetry", to see how Adorno's "official music culture" became Silliman's "official verse culture". Did popular poetry become standardized with pseudo-individualization?


i know bernie, from over here
when he came to Parnell square
was bernie in the head, all there

a prophetical language centric
mad-head who read reet well

well, well of Segias and Connla
took a book from Colum, house

red in the fort of shadows, ber-
nie ein nie chuck, searles

Charles for king and Hal slotting
Terry and june, moon, do away

herr jammers in the eff off house
SW gated, connected to herr poo a blic not fik is bernie of the NY

school, ronnie's mate, Mr Silly
man, we blew that night in the writers centre..

invited bernie out to Burdocks
for fish and chips, wiv his missus

first time in the pool of light
the black mountain guard, custodian

of the holy word from Zukofferz
intellectual be gob wuz blowing

me and bernie, at the altar of
a last minute job, five communicants, an audience of fawns

first time bernie - come chucker
come and meet yr biggest one

Desmond Swords - spun you one

made sure to mention Robert, Bob
the shepard, mister Sheppard

Todd -- UToo in the mob, fintan
bradƔn feasa in the boyhood deeds
of Fionn, knowledge, crane bags

ancient hags and the hawk of Achill
swirls above the sod -- Bernie

a market townland
is where the intellect was sharpened

a flat body of farmland
fringing Liverpoolā€™s urban cloak
tinging the Lancashire twang

which can thicken immediately
the voice tweeked to make the speaker
sound like a like a spud-tame
lame brained div
trained from birth to be a fully labotamised
half cocked bog trotting dick head
or knob who sounds like a tit

gifted at carrot plucking and
swede, leek and beetroot munching
in mud covered rust bucket caravans

where dreams of getting bladdered
in the plough, the Shoe, the Lion,
the Queens or the Cricks
play on a loop until pay day
when the wages are blown
on ale and Ethel Austin wellies
worn in the rakish manner
of a hip Wigan pig shit shovellor
out on the piss.

But living in this linguistaically
liminal hinterland isn't all spuds
and dunderheads.
The liquid nature of the lingo
means scouse tones can also be
freely spouted
and the slow baked brain vacant
bleat of a sheep fiddling field lover
instantly switch to the city witted
jive talk of a street slick
trackie clad bling king giving it
the big one about buying a knock
of helicopter to go clubbing in
London with..

that was what Bernie heard Todd..

gra agus siochain, come to Limerick, 12 Nov, four provinces
eight contendors, an honorary
can ad i and add on, as they are talking of, over at the chaps..
Scott Keeney saidā€¦
I'm pretty sure Bakhtin came first with his term "official culture" which referred to poetic (monologic) culture as opposed to novelistic (dialogic) culture. I always assumed Bernstein was updating Bakhtin's critique to fit the situation of late twentieth century American poetry (primarily, though it may apply elsewhere).

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