Ironically, Dylan Thomas may (just barely) be one of the only modern poets the average cinemagoer can still name. And, his life of apparent drink and erotic encounters (or erotic encounters with drink), is hardly of zero interest in the time and place of Amy Winheouse et al. Anyway, this marks another low point in poetry's intersection with mass culture. The fact that a key element of the film, the poet's attempt to get the law to punish a drunken accidental gunman, has been "dramatised" (in "real life" Thomas was sympathetic to the man) hardly fills one with much hope. It seems like a missed opportunity, concocting false drama in the life of a larger-than-life cultural figure, who, from the sounds of it, experienced more than enough real drama for several people.
Speaking of McQueen, The Apprentice is a show trial for all that is wrong with contemporary Britain. Each time Alan Sugar had the chance to reward creativity (as in the tissues advert) or style, he opted for the lowest common denominator (and usually a man). It's particularly unfortunate that a self-confessed liar and CV-cheat should be rewarded so publicly. What signals does this send to our children, etc? No truth in film or advertising! What is the world coming too?! Sigh.