Good news.
The New Yorker is going to get a truly world-class poet to be its poetry editor.
Paul Muldoon will take over the famous magazine in the world's greatest city, confirming his decision to move there as the right one. Muldoon did a good job editing the
Best American Poetry anthology a few years ago, has won a Pulitzer, and his last book,
Horse Latitudes, was brilliant. He's the
Auden of his generation (with perhaps some different habits) in terms of precocious ability, verbal style, intellectual vigour, and expatriated address. Hopefully he will get the magazine to publish more poems and more poetry reviews. Meanwhile, London, apparently laying claim to New York's fabled status as greatest city, cannot point to one major mainstream general interest magazine of international standing that publishes major poetry, other than the
TLS (which is not quite the same thing) - and, while New York poetics, poets and poetry continues to be vibrant, celebrating a variety of styles, influences, and formal options, English poetry seems all-too-often stuck between an us-and-them trad-or-avant position, which is very 90s - and publishing of new dynamic poets is somewhat lax. Get with it, and follow Muldoon's lead, I say: poetry can be quicksilver and many-faceted, open to various positions.
It's greener than New York, more exuberant than Paris and knocks somewhere like Rio into a cocked hat.
We have the hottest clubbing, the finest restaurants and the tube was recently voted the best underground system.
Our museums are free, you can walk 5 miles through the centre without ever touching tarmac and I have never been to another city in the world (and I've been to a few) where there are so many distinctive and different boroughs; places like Camden just don't exist anywhere else.