See complicated rules below!
The Poet Laureate term is from November 17, 2006 to November 16, 2008. In order to give equal representation to Canada's two official languages, Poets Laureate are selected alternately from each official language community. For the 2006-2008 term an English-speaking Poet will be selected.
Candidates must be residents of Canada. Candidates must have made a contribution to the cultural and literary community; have produced written or oral work reflecting Canada; be accomplished literary artists who have influenced other artists; have a substantial record demonstrating literary excellence. The quality of the accompanying supporting documentation, including letters of support, is vitally important to the nomination. Nominators must ensure the following materials are received in the following order:
a completed nomination form;
A letter of nomination;
A brief description (up to 250 words) of the nominee's significant contributions to the literary community and why he or she should be considered an outstanding nominee (this may be part of the nominator's letter);
A brief description (up to 250 words) of how the nominee's work reflects Canada (this may be part of the nominator's letter);
A brief description (up to 250 words) of how the nominee has influenced other literary artists (this may be part of the nominator's letter);
A one-page biography of the nominee, summarizing education, significantachievements, current professional activities, any honours or awards received and a copy of the nominee's current bibliography or a copy of the nominee's current curriculum vitae, including the same information;
Two letters from colleagues in the literary field supporting the nomination;
An example of the nominee's published work or an audio or video tape of work in the oral tradition.
All material referred to above should be letter-size (8 1/2 x 11) and loose-leaf. Bound materials (e.g. stapled or spiral bound) will not be accepted to ensure ease of copying and mailing. The Library of Parliament is not responsible for the loss or damage, whatever the cause, of supporting material.
Material will not be returned after the nomination process. Late or incomplete submissions and unsolicited attachments will not be considered.
Send submissions to: Poet Laureate Selection Committee, Library of Parliament, Parliamentary Public Programs, 90 Sparks Street, Suite 940, Ottawa, ON K1A 0A9.
For more info: (613) 992-4793 or 1-866-599-4999 or e-mail info@parl.gc.ca
Deadline: July 31, 2006