It is for this reason he was inclued in the New American Writing section of younger Canadian poets. His latest collection, which I have been reading with glee (Davids Antin and Trinidad both have good things to say about it too), is just out, and is now to be launched in my hometown, of Montreal - see below for details.
The other book out tonight is written by a brilliant former professor of mine, and anyone who is savvy, hip, well-read or wants to be, will be there, on that infamous boulevard. I would gladly be there, and you who can travel freely, in North America should seek to.
DC Books is pleased to announce the Montreal launch of Attention All Typewriters
by Jason Camlot
With Host David McGimpsey and āLive Funkā dance party after the reading
How to be an Intellectual in the Age of TV: The Lessons of Gore Vidal (Duke UP) by Marcie Frank will also be celebrated this same night.
Thursday, November 3rd, 2005
The Green Room
5386 St-Laurent Blvd.