Poem for
the appeaser
It’s okay to let the bad guy win
if the guy has a thing you want
to trade - this is how the West
was won - ignorance of newly
dead - sign the paper, wave it high -
this is how the losers get to die -
an agreement is safe and lawful
if the liars never lie; for on good
TV the act of being king is king,
not the thing in itself, or being as
being - there’s only what we see
now, not even that when blinded
by defiance of decency; Munich
used to be the name for giving in
to the enemy side – replaced
in our time by televised Gethsemane
showing how power picks insane
channels in which to defenestrate
the weak, the dutiful, fighting true,
even when other states are truly sick.
London, March 1, 2025