The secret is not to
have a secret
The magic is to be
The trick is to go without the tricks
The plan is to be avoided
The path is to be downtrodden
The lie is to be forgotten
The carnival is to be inverted
The lamb is to be converted
The killer is to be caressed
The dress is to be undressed
The cure is to be lost
The time is to be mis-told
The crime is to be lawful
The beauty is to be awful
The secret is to speak widely
The magic is to turn the tables
The trick is to be born in the stables
The plan is to go to shambles
The path is via the brambles
The lie is to stand in the open
The carnival is to roll the king
The dress is thorn this season
The lamb is the feast for a reason
The birth was clearly at night
The death was notably during day to day
This means something about lighting
Between the cracks, between the shrugs
Between the thighs, between the thugs,
Between the shimmering royal displays,
Comes a meagre passion play, starting
In the dull, disinterested, calamities.
DECEMBER 23, 2022