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1, 450

This is the 1, 450th post at Eyewear. Not bad, all things considered. Just wanted to briefly recommend a few books I've been sent lately. First, A Tiara for the Twentieth Century, the collected poems of Suzanne Richardson Harvey. I published her work often at Nthposition, and think she's a fine American poet well worth reading.

Next, Dream Catcher issue 23, is the Canadian Issue. While I find the poets included in that section a little pell-mell, it's still a good thing to read if you're interested in Canadian poetry; what the issue does confirm is the fact that most people in the UK haven't a clue as to what the central line or lines of Canadian post-war poetry are - and neither do most Canadians. The situation is quite dire - a very weak tradition of poor critical evaluation has meant the ten thousand Canadian poets are at a loss to see the forest for the trees.

Finally, the Scrumbler, edited by Canadian-in-England, Mike Kavanagh, is a new children's poetry magazine. It's exquisitely produced, with remarkable illustrations. Poets both children and professional adult writers are included and welcome. You can order this amazing magazine from 3 Holly Bank Cottages, Wooton near Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England OX20 1AE.

My own news, Seaway received a very good review in the latest issue of Ambit, which was lovely to read. Also, Kavita Joshi is back from Verona soon and hopefully will get a few reviews online second half of November.

Regarding the Q top albums of the year, was sorry not to see the group XX in the top 50. And, finally, when sick, will watch films. Saw Let The Right One In finally. I think it is extraordinary - the most ambiguous and disturbingly sweet portrait of desire, love, friendship, abuse, need, murder, and childhood I have ever seen; will the boy become the man? Terrible indeed, the train ride. Be well.


Poetry Pleases! saidā€¦
Dear Todd

Great to see you blogging again. Are you feeling any better?

Best wishes from Simon & Rusty
Unknown saidā€¦
Oh, while I'm here, have you seen this, via Silliman's Blog? Canadian poetics and bpNichol ...
Michael Kavanagh saidā€¦
Just a note about The Scrumbler magazine... the website address is

The second issue is in production and should be out before Christmas. We are now reading for our Spring issue, and would love to get work from poets of all ages.
Mark Granier saidā€¦
Yes, Let The Right One In is both beautiful and very, very dark. Many reviewers seemed to miss that, just how dark and dismal the end actually is. Will the boy become the man (a slave, that is)? But how can he not?
Congratulations for the excellent number .

Hope you continue the great job

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