Tony Lewis-Jones , the UK poet behind Various Artists , a special e-newsletter for poets, commisioned a 500-word review. Here is the review, in full. INSIDE THE OUTSIDE AN ANTHOLOGY OF AVANT-GARDE AMERICAN POETS EDITED BY ROSEANNE RITZEMA Presa Press, 2006 Review by Todd Swift It is hard to imagine something smaller than “small press” poetry and poets who proudly assert their association to COSMEP (Committee of Small Magazines Publishers & Editors). I recall somewhere hearing that Michael Donaghy used to call experimental poets “ampersands” – well, these would be poets from the firm of Ampersand & Sons. I actually share some of the aims and concerns of this anthology, at least as outlined in the rather brief (two-page) Introduction by editor Roseanne Ritzema . I certainly agree with much (but not all) of the statement: “The large, commercial publishers, owned & operated by huge communications conglomerates, have published only what is deemed a safe investment, predictably ...
POETRY, POLITICS, PROVOCATION AND POPULAR CULTURE SINCE 2005 - 20 YEARS AND over 8 million visits - British Library-archived