In 2006 I turned 40. In the spring, I moved to Maida Vale with my wife. My father was very proud to know that I had begun my PhD in Creative and Critical Writing at the University of East Anglia (UEA), and that poems of mine appeared in some very good journals and papers, such as New American Writing, Poetry Review and The Guardian. Other poems of mine were this year published in Iota and The Cimarron Review. I have accepted poems forthcoming in Acumen, Chapman, The Manhattan Review and Vallum. I continue to be a Core Tutor for The Poetry School. I also began lecturing on the MA in creative writing course at Kingston University. This year I also published reviews in Books in Canada, The Globe and Mail and Poetry Review. My father was also very proud of the Oxfam CD I edited this year, Life Lines, and launched in summer 2006, featuring over sixty major UK poets, including the poet laureate Andrew Motion, Wendy Cope, Simon Armitage, David Harsent, Anne-Marie Fyfe, Al Alvarez, Dannie Abse and Fleur Adcock. It has so far sold over 5,000 copies. I also edited an e-book anthology with funds to the Red Cross, Babylon Burning, for nth position, to note the 5th anniversary of 9/11. At the end of 2006, my-coeditor Jason Camlot and I turned in our manuscript to our publisher Vehicule Press, for Language Acts, the major new study of Anglo-Quebec poetry, the first of its kind in 40 years, to be launched spring 2007. In the autumn, a good-looking pamphlet of new poems of mine, Natural Curve, was issued by the small Alberta press, Rubicon.
Things I look forward to next year: working on my manuscript for the Carcanet Book of 20th Century Canadian Verse, which I am editing. Doing further research for my PhD. Maybe doing some more teaching at university level. Doing poetry readings, as both host and reader. Writing some more reviews. Launching Language Acts in Quebec. And most of all seeing my mother and brother and his wife again, back home.
One thing. I have yet to finalize news of the publication of my fourth collection of poetry. Hopefully, early in 2007, I will be able to do so.
In the most difficult times, kindness, even gentleness, can make the smallest difference seem a vast improvement. Hope, even faith, is also a welcome traveller to bring along. I wish you God, or at least grace. And as much light and peace as can be found in this dark world. Be well in the new year.