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Robert Allen Has Died

One of Canada's greatest contemporary writers, Quebec-based, Bristol-born Robert Allen, has died suddenly of cancer, peacefully, at Jimmie Walker Swamp (his home in the Eastern Townships) with many who loved him at his side.

Rob Allen (pictured) was many things - cult novelist with a linguistic turn that was Joycean in its word-play, but Nabokovian in its themes (Napoleon's Retreat); lyric poet with many collections (such as Wintergarden and Ricky Ricardo Suites) who wrote both of nature and zany pop culture icons with equal brilliance; and, throughout his career, a poetic natural scientist, who, encouraged by his teacher A.R. Ammons at Cornell, in the '60s, began possibly his greatest work, The Encantadas - a long poem inspired by Darwin and Melville, two of his heroes.

This last poem, which I think is one of the finest ever produced in Canada, and certainly in the last 40 years, was recently republished in a beautiful new edition by Conundrum press.

Rob Allen was also the expert and busy editor of Matrix, Quebec's longest-running English literary journal, The Moosehead series, and an editor of the DC Books New Writing Series. At readings, in collaboration, and as a teacher, he inspired and touched many other writers.

Rob was a very good friend of mine. He was my creative writing professor when I attended Concordia for my BA, in the late '80s. He was a room-mate of mine in the late '90s. He edited my first collection, Budavox, for DC Books. He accepted my first poem for publication when I was 18. He was a true mentor.

This loss is terrible and sad. Rob will be much missed. Readers not yet born will one day delight in his protean learning allied to such exuberant wit.


Eloise saidā€¦
I'm so sorry.

Unknown saidā€¦
The eloquence of your words speaks volumes - christ, but that's an awful cliche!

Seriously though, I am sorry for your loss, you were very lucky to have had such a fine mentor.
Jack Ruttan saidā€¦
This is a real drag. Remember having drinks with him at the Stanley Pub.

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