David Lynch has died. Perhaps the last time an American death of a cultural icon was so massive was the loss of Warhol . This blog is of the opinion that David Lynch was probably the most significant global artist of the past 45 years; perhaps only David Bowie approaches his immense contribution to multiple senses of art forms and identity in this period, and had such ubiquitous impact. But Lynch, more even than Warhol or Bowie, or any other film-maker of the period, was consistently and openly also an artist, musician, painter, and writer/visionary. To call him a "surrealist" barely does him justice, and is in many ways misleading. Lynch's transgressive visions were sometimes dreamlike, but controlled evacuations from the underbelly of the conscious/unconscious divide in the psyche/soul - demonic expulsions, like solar flares, or toxins released in the bloodstream; his dreams are never entirely merely random or absurd (like Dylan Thomas serving string in tea cups). ...
Canada stands on guard Nothing in Trump's previous playbook prepared me for his recent threats to take Greenland from Denmark, and indeed, its own citizens, by economic or military force; to potentially invade Panama and take back control of the Canal Zone, and his threats to use economic force to make Canada a "51st state' and erase its "artificial border". Time Magazine yesterday said Trump was playing Monopoly with the world as his board. The USA has been the strongest, sometimes only, superpower, since 1945. It has the world's strongest army, and numerous weapons that can destroy the planet. It has the world's strongest economy. It arguably also has the world's key language, and control of the largest part of the online world. From a completely amoral, ruthless and Machiavellian perspective, it could be far more dominant, and dominating, than it has been - though it has killed millions in wars since 1945, and invaded, bombed or attacked a handful...