Others will say it better - but, here goes my small part in this - I stayed up last night, as the horror dawned on me, literally and otherwise, that VP Harris was losing. I was wrong, thinking she'd win in a landslide possibly, see the other post. Separate from the deep concern for the world, especially with regards to Ukraine, and global warming, and American democracy (which is robust but about to be dismantled) is the deeper wounding realisation that a majority of humans would choose such a person, rather than actually vote for a woman. It feels like misogyny and racism was on display. Concern for the economy should not mean exemption from moral or ethical concerns. The digital online world has clearly contributed to a new unreality in America and beyond, where so many millions could not see the truth of the man they elevated, and bestowed such triumph and power onto. And, what makes it worse, we are all now in this with him, because we have to live in his terri...
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