C rucifixum docet veritatem I am there now, the place where I can say to you directly What the tricks of language Can hinder or form, I know that to keep it interesting Is the price of attention, you go Variously across the field, Itās a show, and a tell, but the main fact Is talking, some sharing, a gesture Out to another, maybe a friend Who is not even real, yet, An apparition of apprehension, Expected attendee at the imaginary Reading in the heaven of elsewhere, That place without pornography, Alcohol, violence, pills, and screaming; That ice palace of peace, unlike any Genuine mind, I am on the boil, A lobster reddening, on ferocious Pain attention, itās all apart now, Break it open, and they mock it up, The they are you, and elseward to the world, You know I am hated, have felt that slap; Have been kicked to the concrete And licked a boot; had a cigarette appoint Itself its red dragon my maker; Thank you, masters of the cruel quickening; I know now a meaning, a need Greater t...