Martin Penny was the first, and truest, friend, I made when I arrived in London, from Paris, in 2003. Ours was an unlikely and instantly achieved connection - he was the ironic, Atheist, very English, Chelsea-supporting Oxfam manager of wry wit, indifferent to poetry (but a keen reader and collector of prose) - and I, as you may know, was the Catholic-in-waiting sincere enthusiastic poet from Canada nursing bad injuries from a car accident - but what we shared was a love of wordplay, conversation, pushing the boundaries of taste, and lunches over coffee at a local cafƩ (where we have had a meal together at least once a week for over ten years). TODD SWIFT AND MARTIN PENNY AT THE POETRY LIBRARY Martin is retiring, at the age 55, tomorrow, from being manager of the best bookshop in the Oxfam chain - at least for awhile - the Marylebone branch, recently poignantly downgraded to a clothing shop with some books in the back. In its heyday, when I joined as poet-in-residence...
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