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Showing posts from July, 2013

Poem by Todd Swift on the occasion of the burial of his grandmother's urn

IN MEMORIAM : MELITA HUME Melita, where to place you in your life? Your own, of course, which ends And starts, as all do, in its course ā€“ Seen the way a river is, at bends, At curves, the banks disclosed Or covered by green shade of trees. This coming close to any life, though Is not yet yours, quite: the metaphor`s Too general to do more than send A mind pond-skittering away, a stone ā€“ We know you more deeply than this ā€“ The onlyness of each one`s store Of actions, styles, ideas, graces: In gardens, with books, at races. The smart teaching girl, good wife ā€“ Mother, grandmother ā€“ kind if stern Afraid of fire as she had learned fire ā€“ Cautious, concerned, intelligent, careful To preserve ā€“ and gestures ā€“ how she Brought breadcrumbs slowly off The tablecloth with her palm as she talked. How she walked in the woods!   A beautiful Woman, finally, whose many turn...

Common Assault

The editor of Eyewear , Todd Swift, has been the victim of a common assault outside The Marylebone Hotel at noon, this past Thursday. While he recovers and seeks restitution, he may not be posting here.

Eyewear's Mock Book Cover In Celebration of the Royal Birth by Edwin Smet


Eyewear thinks that the whole point of July is to take it easy, soak up the sun, and stay outside as much as possible, reading, relaxing, and sipping lemonade.  As this is our ethos, the blog will resume in August, with poems by Stephen Burt , and reviews of many new and recent poetry collections.  Keep looking out for poetry in the meantime, and enjoy our numerous previous posts!


Eyewear Publishing Ltd. is delighted to announce the 13 shortlisted poets for the Melita Hume Prize , 2013, to be judged by Jon Stone (winner announced September).  We received an extraordinary number of superb debut collections from poets 35 years of age or under based in the UK or Ireland - it was a difficult choice, but each of these poets has written a collection of brilliance: MARIA APICHELLA KEIRAN PATRICK GODDARD CARINA HART KEITH JARRETT MARK LEECH JESSICA MAYHEW RICHIE McCAFFERY MARION McCREADY STEFAN MOHAMED RACHAEL MADELEINE NICHOLAS SHELLEY ROCHE-JACQUES V. A. SOLA SMITH TOM WEIR