IN MEMORIAM : MELITA HUME Melita, where to place you in your life? Your own, of course, which ends And starts, as all do, in its course ā Seen the way a river is, at bends, At curves, the banks disclosed Or covered by green shade of trees. This coming close to any life, though Is not yet yours, quite: the metaphor`s Too general to do more than send A mind pond-skittering away, a stone ā We know you more deeply than this ā The onlyness of each one`s store Of actions, styles, ideas, graces: In gardens, with books, at races. The smart teaching girl, good wife ā Mother, grandmother ā kind if stern Afraid of fire as she had learned fire ā Cautious, concerned, intelligent, careful To preserve ā and gestures ā how she Brought breadcrumbs slowly off The tablecloth with her palm as she talked. How she walked in the woods! A beautiful Woman, finally, whose many turn...
POETRY, POLITICS, PROVOCATION AND POPULAR CULTURE SINCE 2005 - 20 YEARS AND over 10 million visits - British Library-archived