It isn't funny, and it hasn't really happened since the 1930-1945 period (so 80 years ago), and really one needs to go back to Napoleon to get a better flavour of the arrogance, swagger, and sheer vast enterprise of the imperial vision, that sense of divine purpose... but really, it's never happened before, because the US Constitution was supposedly designed to stop tyrants from taking power... and because the US in 2025 is the single strongest nation that has ever existed, economically, and militarily; and, given the dominance of its language and technology, probably culturally and technologically. Geographically, it is also probably the most various and widespread, from Hawaii to Alaska, touching on tropical storms and Arctic blizzards.
So, whoever is King of America, is truly the most powerful person alive.
And this time, for the first time, that person is insane, seemingly either stupid or evil or both, or worse, simply very very venal and dishonest and corrupt, without empathy or anything but self-regard. Imagine if the world's worst car salesman, the emptiest at heart, the crudest, the least truthful, was suddenly made world's leader... well, that's where we are. Now imagine that person was allied to a Roman-saluting super-billionaire weirdo who controlled the fastest way to message everyone alive. All those weapons, all that money, all that communication -
and imagine if they had no plans to do anything constructive, but instead wanted to tear down every check and balance not even barely containing them anyway...
In a bestselling YA dystopian novel it'd be far-fetched. But it's real, and unfolding.
I don't want to add to the noise, but the Gaza statements are, until the next time when madness breaks loose again, tomorrow, or in a few days, so deeply crude, historically ignorant, cruel, criminal and disruptive as to ruin decades of precarious peace-seeking. How can any Arab nation in the Middle East ever trust Trump or America now? You don't offer to turn Hiroshima, still radioactive and smoking, into a holiday camp. To call these declarations a sick joke is inaccurate.
They're spellbindingly bafflingly disruptive of reality.
Like a master-mage, or charismatic hypnotic occult sociopathic evil narcissist - a CHOSEN - (one thinks of Manson or A.H. or Rasputin) - Trump's statements CREATE NEW REALITIES of confusion, chaos, and madness - he is a chaos magician and his power derives from maximum uncertainty - as he himself has often admitted.
What's extraordinary is how effective he is at impacting the world's media, elites, and ordinary people - infecting our minds daily with anger, outrage, division, hate...
How long will the world stand by and let this man disrupt us all?
Harmless? Only if you think words and ideas and threats have no meaning or power... otherwise, one of the worst leaders of all time. One of history's monsters.