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The Inane

I've been getting some eye-opening comments, from readers like Paul Sutton, who find Eyewear inane.  Perhaps.  But another way to read it is as an ephemeral grab-bag of posts featuring poetry reviews, pop culture, and random musings, that, every so often, takes risks, and does good work.  I agree - some of the posts are blog-worthy only (it is a blog).  However, there are numerous featured poets, and reviewers, who share their work on here as well.  I admit to having fun, sometimes, by being banal.  Like everyone else, I live in a media-saturated world, of scandalous trials, dead movie stars, and James Bond.  Between the inanity, I hope, readers can squint enough to catch a glimmer, if even rarely, of more valid, and valuable work.  Not all of it self-directed.  Though, as Mr. Sutton et al. should be aware, almost all writers now keep blogs, or web sites, where they inform readers of their doing  - with the decline of marketing budgets, and the rise of small presses, few writers can afford the luxury of letting their publisher get word of their work out there.  It's naive to think otherwise.  As for "fame".  You don't write poetry to make money or become famous.


Poetry Pleases! said…
Dear Todd

I couldn't agree more. If your blog gets 3000 page views per day on average, there must be an awful lot of 'inane' people out there. Although your posts are of varying quality (how could they not be?) you have always struck me as someone with their index finger right on the pulse of contemporary British poetry. Indeed, I think the fact that you grew up in Canada only enhances your capacity to view the British poetry scene in an objective and impartial light.

Best wishes from Simon
Paul Sutton said…
"Like everyone else, I live in a media-saturated world, of scandalous trials, dead movie stars, and James Bond". We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. There is no fun to be had listening to Haircut 100 while Rome burns.
I have no problem at all with poets (or anyone else) publicizing forthcoming activities. However, I feel a line has been crossed when a poet conducts a feud with an editor who has omitted him from an anthology, or when a poet periodically threatens to close down his blog unless people start paying attention. And don't deny that you're desperate to be invited to pontificate on "Newsnight Review". How paltry, to aspire to the crown of that Prince of Mediocrity, Mark Lawson.
Anonymous said…
Not everyone lives in or responds to the “media-saturated world” in the same way. You cower in front of market-led corporate culture - you have never written a single word that doesn’t stink of a simpering acquiesence to the values of media capitalism. You claim that your blog is, among other things, about politics - but in a period of the most intense social unrest for at least two generations, all you can do is witter on about celebrity culture with slightly less wit than “Hello” magazine or its imitators. You're a coward, Swift.
Roddy said…
Ignore P Sutton, Todd. A bottle-lobber of long standing and short insight.
Paul Sutton said…
Roddy Lumsden has never met me, nor is he likely even to have heard of me. He may be mistaking me for the poet of the same name.
Anonymous said…
"A bottle-lobber of long standing and short insight."
This from Roddy Lumsden, snotty Facebooker and professional blog comment sniper? Pot, kettle, and black!
Roddy said…
Yes, there are two people of that name - apologies to the one I wasn't referring to, who posted above! Nice to know I'm now recognised just by my first name though - maybe I'll just drop my surname on future books ;-)

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